Precursor is a harbinger of things to come. This Imperial Red is a multi-dimensional creation of malt, hops, and barrel aging, playing off each other. The finished complexity is enhanced by eight months of aging in bourbon barrels. Notes of grapefruit, bitter orange, dark caramel, and toasted bread purvey through this beer. Close your eyes, open your mouth and let yourself wander.
It's fairly obvious that this small batch beer is meant to be
fancy. Champagne bottle instead of the usual 22oz bomber. Hand-numbered labels. The cork was a real bitch to get out. Okay, maybe not that last part, but man, those folks over at 10 Barrel really know how to cork 'em.
Pours a deep, dark red. Smells malty, woodsy. Intricate taste... malty, with subtle bourbon flavors that mixed quite nicely with the hops. A little boozy, but not overwhelmingly so.