Did you know that, if you happen to be on a return-trip to Portland after visiting, say, Astoria (or any other Northern-Oregon coastal town, really), that stopping in lovely Saint Helens, Oregon for a visit to Captured by Porches would
not be a good idea? No? Heed my warning, dear traveller, for the CbP property at 40 Cowlitz #B that comes up on your Google Maps search for nearby breweries
is a lie! Or, rather, it's an empty storefront (on Sundays, at least) designated, as far as we could tell, only for brewing. Bummer.
Pro tip: research, first! Google Maps: Not To Be Trusted.
Anyway, on to this bottle with an old lady on the label: Emma Amber Ale! This beer is good. It pours dark, dark copper with a small bit of soft head which disappears almost immediately. Smells sweet and malty. Taste is the same -- sweet, up-front malts with a nice, smooth mouthfeel and a bit of a rye bite towards the end. This beer is heavier than I expected, which is what I think makes it so damn tasty -- it's smooth, and it's somewhat heavy, but it's a red. A smooth, heavy red with up-front malts. Yup.
What's that written on the side of the bottle?
Emma is a malty and rich deep red amber ale brewed with unmalted wheat, rye, and oats. Dedicated to "Red Emma" Goldman, advocate of free speech, sexual freedom and equality, and who was arrested for opposing the draft during WWI, for spreading birth control information to working class women, & for advocating anarchist direct action.
Right on. Cheers, Emma.