My first bottle from Logsdon Farmhouse Ales, a new fancy-pants brewery out in Hood River.
This unfiltered bottle of seizoen, with its beeswax seal, is naturally refermented and carbonated with select yeast strains, producing fruity and spicy flavors that are balanced by hops and a soft malt character. Special Brettanomyces yeast provides added dryness and crisp complexity.
Logsdon currently has two offerings, a Seizoen and a Seizoen Bretta. That second word is important -- it means that this particular beer was brewed with a special form of yeast (
Brettanomyces), which produces "brett" and translates to a bit of a sour, tangy flavor. A farmhouse-style saison with a tang.
It pours with a big fluffy-fizzy head which leaves a bit of lacing after it dissipates. It smells fruity and crisp. The taste is a bit sweet. Funky. Light citrus, very light hops. Nice medium-heavy body. A little bit of yeasty spice. Crisp finish. Tangy brett from start to end.
Honestly, this wasn't what I was expecting. I didn't pay attention to the "Bretta" on the label when I picked it up, and thought it was just going to be a fancy farmhouse saison. Surprise! I found the flavor to be nice and complex, drinkable, and delicious. This beer won the People's Choice award at the Portland Cheers to Belgian Beers festival... I can see why. I dig the funky tang.